Thursday, June 24, 2010

234 Candles

The 4th of July is coming!

The 4th of July is coming!

Oh, it's my favorite holiday... nothing but fun.  (except that time Tony lit a rocket and it fell over and shot straight  into my sister's thigh. Nothing puts a damper on pyromania like third degree burns).

These  rockets are cute and safe... they're metal, they don't have a fuse, and they  aren't accompanied by a 52-year-old juvenile delinquent with a lit punk. Hang a bundle on your door or stick some in a pot of red geraniums on your porch.

 Independence Day is the perfect time to get together with pals. Hey, I've got it!  
Have a Happy 234th Birthday America theme for July 4th.
 ( Any excuse for cake, you know)
Put this sign on your door to put your visitors in the party mood.

Then put this cute tin cake stand on your table. The neat metal cake slice boxes on top have no calories, or if you prefer something tastier than tin, buy some red, white and blue cupcakes from YUM Bakery next door and add 234 of our long red skinny candles or ok, maybe just one sparkler on top of each treat. (But I do believe that 234 candles would make a bigger visual statement).

And pinwheels!  The perfect cheap decoration! Stick a handful in some old pop bottles, and add whatever red, white and blue stuff you can get your hands on -- don't get all  matchy-matchy on me now; this is supposed to be fun, not stressful.  Red and white check dishes, blue polka-dot napkins,vintage gingham trays. An old quilt thrown over the picnic table. Red bowls of potato salad, blue bowls of potato chips, white bowls of strawberries.

Fun coozies. Bottled Orange Crush iced down in a striped tub. Starred-and-striped papergoods. Sparklers and punks stuck in galvanized buckets o' sand. Patriotic star-rimmed bowls piled full of party poppers and Black Cats.

Raid your closets for silly hats and flags to wave and red wagons to pull  and ponies to ride 'round the block in the neighborhood parade. (What, you don't keep ponies in your closet?)  Have a horseshoe tournament (we've got rubber ones so nobody gets clanged in the head)...a potato gun shoot-out... sit on the hot sidewalk and play jacks with the old ladies and little girls.

              Honest Abe -- it's the best day of summer.

Just don't forget the hotdogs.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Ok, we're coming down to the wire for JUNK SALE. Saturday is sneaking up fast.

Of course, being a last-minute kind of person, I'm scrambling and cleaning and thinking I should have bought more of those tin firecrackers and I meant to paint that picnic basket and where the heck did I put that sack full of old aprons? I've been getting to the shop early, early, early to switch everything around (because you know I CAN'T LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE) and laying awake late, late, late, thinking about lemonade stands and old pickup trucks and where the heck I could have put those aprons.

One day to go.  Don's old Chevy pickup has been delivered and rolled down the mall to the front of the shop...I painted Sydney and Mary's lemonade stand tonight (yellow, of course)... the shop is pretty clean and sort-of dusted (thanks, Mom) and fairly bursting with fun summery stuff (just look at that clothesline in the window full of baby bikinis!). I still haven't found those dang aprons.

Kristi's home today, taking care of dozens of  last-minute details. She's my partner in JUNK SALE. She's made a zillion lists, had a jillion fun ideas and worked a million extra hours on this sale.  She's the idea-thinker-upper, the vendor-liner-upper, the table-putter-upper, Master of the Sewing Machine and Organizer Supreme.  Wonder if she knows where my aprons are.

YUM? Yup -- almost ready. Today we set an old white kitchen cabinet in front of the cafe; it's empty for the moment, but Saturday, Kelley and James will fill it with homemade crisps and cobblers and wonderful pies-for-one-in-a-jar. Come sit a spell at the farm table for YUM's JUNK SALE lunch (a big, fat turkey or ham sam, crispy chips, a cute little bag o' veggies and a fresh-baked cookie... all wrapped up in gingham!) and don't forget to grab some suppertime desserts. (Hint: Get 'em while the gettin' is good: if you're clever, you'll  call Kelley at 273-3844 to pre-order.)

Kitchen Gallery?  Check--ready to roll. Julie's got a full slate of summery samples ready to serve on Saturday: Watermelon Smoothies.Pineapple Coleslaw.Uncle Sunny's Gourmet BBQ Sauce. (There's  much more, but my mind has gone blank from dreaming of Watermelon Smoothies.)

Note to self: find a plug-in  for the cooler full of samples from Iwig Dairy. Note to self: leave a little tummy room for Iwig chocolate milk samples. June is National Diary Month and Iwig's will join us at FARM FRESH JUNK SALE to celebrate. Note to self:   use that as The Perfect Excuse to hog multiple chocolate milk samples.

The construction guys are still hammering away at SWEET!, the new Cake & Candy Supply shop in the mall, but Cindy and Susan will be on hand Saturday to meet and greet and show and tell. I saw them in the mall today, contemplating their empty tables and plotting their display. I hear they'll be doing something clever and button-ish with antique chocolate molds... are you curious? Be sure to slow down, chat 'em up and peep in their windows while you're running from JUNK booth to JUNK booth.

Friday night, our vendors arrive to set up.  Bunches of 'em: Angela. Carrie, Gladys, Ed & Mark. Kristi. Peggy. Janelle. Debbie. Marilyn, Linda, Wendy & Jennifer. Don & Suzie. Fern. Susan. Ila. Cindy. Lori. Chuck & Peggy. Neal. Mary & Don. Maggie & Kim. Jacquie. Coralee & Lisa. We've drawn floorplans, scribbled over them, dragged their tables up and down and up and down  the mall and finally think we've figured out how to get these  JUNK dealers and their stuff in here and keep the Fire Marshall happy.

Then Saturday's the day:  
JUNK SALE!  June 12th.. 9 am sharp 'til 3 pm
inside Fairlawn Plaza Mall.
So much stuff:  Spinning wheel. Jug lamps. Old sleds. Kitchen Cabinets. Farm table.Wagons. Vintage doors. Benches. Church pew. Birdhouses. Retro kitchen stuff. Soldered charms. Handmade jewelry. Chairs. Boxes. Tins. Clocks. Bottles. Banners. Patriotic goodies. Primitives of all sorts. Vintage baby clothes. There's more, I'm sure, that I can't recall (darn those Watermelon Smoothies!) so I'll be as surprised as you are at some of the spectacular stuff at JUNK SALE.

Let me know if you find my bag of old aprons.